Human help london

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Build Better Community

We work hard to save and protect child,disable and poor family by providing food,winter clothes, medicine and more.


We ensure children and woman are safe at all times and impede their outpouring to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.


We protect children and families so children and poor families no longer die of in cold weather


When disaster strikes, we ensure that children and poor family are given food winter cloths and emotional support to survive, recover and continue to live a normal life.

Who we are

Our stories

Our stories draw a picture of the amazing work Save Children and families in london and bangladesh and explore some of the biggest issues facing children today.

The STRONG effect of your generosity

You have the power to change things. When you donate, you’re joining an exceptionally engaged group of people propelling the HUMAN HELP LONDON to the highest levels of food and clothes.


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